repeats itself. And the greatest secret of history, what
you were never taught at school or college, is that our planet
had a global catastrophe in living memory, in 535 AD. You
won't find this information elsewhere on the internet either.
Something happened which caused the light of the sun to be
dimmed greatly around the globe for 18 months. During this
time, many trees did not grow at all. This event was
followed by 30 years of unprecedented droughts and some
flooding. This caused the death of a vast percentage of the
population through starvation and disease.
It is likely that the cause of
this catastrophe was the eruption of the super volcano Krakatoa.
(Note: The terms "Super volcano" is used for a volcano with
hundreds of times the power of any that we have visually
recorded in the past few hundred years. Use the term "super
volcano" for further research). We now have two super volcanoes
showing signs of getting ready to erupt. Each is bigger
than Krakatoa. One is in Naples Italy and the other in
Yellowstone USA. The Powers That Be know all this and are
keeping this knowledge to themselves. That is probably one
reason why they have so many DUMBS (Deep Underground Military
Bases). They are planning to turn this knowledge to their own
advantage to take control of us. However, with the
knowledge of what may come in our life time, you can prepare so
that you and your family are not affected.
“In AD 535/536 mankind was
hit by one of the greatest natural disasters ever to occur ….
It blotted out much of the light and heat of the sun for 18
months and resulted, directly or indirectly in climatic chaos,
famine, migration, war and massive political change on virtually
every continent”.
This is in the opening page of
by David Keys, 1999, a book that should have been on the best
seller lists but very few people know of. The book took
four years to write and research, and is extremely well
researched. One can only assume that the Powers that Be
are happy to keep this knowledge from the public. This
article is an attempt to summarize that book and discuss some of
the implications.
The contemporary Roman
historian Procopius described the mystery climatic disaster: “The
sun gave forth its light without brightness like the moon during
this whole year.”
Sixth century historian and
prominent church leader John of Ephesus wrote of 535 AD in his
‘Historiae Ecclesiasicae’ (‘Church Histories’), “There was a
sign from the sun, the like of which had never been seen and
reported before. The sun became dark and its darkness lasted for
18 months. Each day, it shone for about four hours, and
still this light was only a feeble shadow. Everyone
declared that the sun would never recover its full light again.”
Another 6th Century writer
Zacharias of Mytilene wrote, “The sun began to be darkened
by day and the moon by night.”
A Roman official known as John
the Lydian reported that “the sun became dim for nearly the
whole year.”
In Italy a Senior local civil
servant, Cassiodorus Sentaro wrote in 536, “We marvel to see
no shadows of ourselves at noon….We have had a spring without
mildness and a summer without heat.”
According to Keys, this one
global disaster directly or indirectly caused the deaths of a
huge percentage of the world’s population. It indirectly
affected the politics on every continent and contributed to the
fall of the Roman Empire. The 100-year period after it occurred
is the heart of history’s so-called Dark Ages.”
In 536 the Japanese Great King
Senka wrote, “Yellow gold and ten thousand strings of cash
cannot cure hunger. What avails a thousand boxes of pearls to
him who is starving of cold?”
Here is some more evidence
from the book that there was a major global disaster in 535 AD.
“In the late 1960s an
American tree-ring specialist, Valmore La Marche of the
University of Arizona, collected a substantial number of
high-altitude bristlecone-pine tree-ring samples from Campito
Mountain in California. They showed a reduction in tree-ring
width (i.e. tree growth), suggesting climatic
from 535/536 with a much more serious deterioration in 539.
Growth did not then return to normality until the late 550s.”
“In the 1980s, another
American academic, Louis Scuderi of the University of Boston,
collected a large number of foxtail-pine tree-ring samples from
California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains and these told a similar
story, although the foxtail-pine data suggested that the period
of climatic deterioration lasted even longer … almost 40 years”.
(Note: He does mention that
low-altitude tree-ring evidence from New Mexico and Arizona
shows no evidence of climatic problems in the years following
“In Yucatan (south-east
Mexico) … painstaking analysis of lake deposits over recent
years has revealed evidence of a severe multi-decade (20 to 50
years) drought which seems to have started in the mid sixth
century…. The research carried out by scientists from the
University of Florida and published in 1996 revealed that the
sixth century drought was the first such event for almost 1,000
years and was not repeated for another three centuries.”
“Tree-ring evidence from
Scandinavia and western Europe also reveals a huge reduction in
tree growth in the years 536-542, not recovering fully until the
“Tree-ring evidence from
the British Isles shows that tree growth slowed down
significantly in 535-536 and did not fully recover until 555”.
“In South America,
tree-ring data obtained from ancient Fitzroya conifer timbers
have revealed that a dramatic cooling of temperature took place
in AD 540… 540 was the coldest summer for the past 1,600 years.”
“Continuous tree-ring
chronologies, going back to the 6th century AD and beyond, exist
for Finland, Sweden, the British Isles, central Europe, the
Aegean, Siberia, North America, Chile, Argentina and Tasmania.
In a substantial percentage … the period 535 – 550 stands out as
a time of unusually low tree-ring growth. In several key
chronologies, that 25-35 year period contains many of the
narrowest ring sequences known for the past 2,000 years….
From 538 or, in many places, 540, there was an almost universal
massive decline lasting between two and eight years…This was
particularly marked in the Southern Hemisphere.”
(This next study is especially
interesting because it suggests that the US government has been
aware of the 535 disaster for some time and were prepared to
spend a lot of money to study it): “Back in 1983 a team of
US scientists from Ohio State University’s Institute of Polar
Studies climbed onto Peru’s 18,711-foot-high Quelccaya Glacier
and succeeded in extracting two roughly 530-foot-long, 3.25”
diameter ice-cores… Refrigeration equipment could not be flown
in… (The ice-cores) had to be broken up into 6,000 2” long
samples, each of which was packed in its own individual
container and allowed to melt.
The Ohio team then had to
carry the 6,000 samples down from the glacier using
mountaineering ropes and crampons… The material finally arrived
in Ohio…The analysis revealed several episodes of dust storms,
almost certainly caused by drought. By far the most intense and
long-lasting episode, and the one that started most abruptly,
was a period of drought which appears to have struck in the mid
sixth century and to have lasted around 30 years.”
“In Columbia…an analysis
by Columbian archaeologists Clemencia Plazas and Anna Falcheti
revealed that the mid to late sixth century was the driest
period in … 3,300 years. From 100 BC to AD 1,000 the
climate was almost uniformly wet – except for the mid to late
sixth century.”
“A recent total
reassessment of the evidence has now led archaeologists to
redate the collapse of the great Mexican city of Teotihuacan to
the Sixth Century A.D….An American anthropologist, Rebecca
Storey of the University of Houston, has analyzed data from more
than 150 skeletons … Her findings reveal that in the years prior
to the collapse, 68.3% of the working class population were
dying before the age of 25, compared to 38.6% in more normal
He argues persuasively that it
was this climatic disaster that indirectly caused the many
plagues at that time, including the ‘Great Death’.
Normally mice in wild areas in East Africa carry fleas which
carry the plague harmlessly among wild animals. Keys
believes that unnatural weather following the 535 incident,
especially an excessive drought followed by excessive-rainfall,
caused the spread of these rodents to other areas. Eventually
the rodents met and passed the flea onto the black rat which
normally did not have plague. The black rat in turn passed
it onto humans. The plague reached Egypt in 1941. Trade
in ivory by ships from Egypt to Europe carried the plague with
it, killing whole cities. Up to 1/3 of the Roman Empire died
horribly in the first massive outbreak of plague. People
would get a sore on their body and be dead within 2 or 3 days.
More died in subsequent outbreaks. Extrapolating from death
rates of the much better recorded plague in the 14th Century, in
Britain possibly somewhere between 60% and 90% died of plague,
both peasants and members of the elite.
The 535 event was associated
with some kind of dust / chemical pollution. In 541 the
13th Century British historian Roger of Wendover wrote, “There
dropped real blood from the clouds, and a dreadful mortality
“In China in 536 there was
drought and famine and “yellow dust rained like snow… The crops
were ruined the following year by snow in August.””
“Starting in the 530s, a
horrific 32-year long drought devastated parts of South
The global catastrophe caused
drought and flooding. Climactic extremes continued for
roughly 30 years after the event.
“An analysis of British
weather between 480 and 650 confirms that the period 535-555 was
abnormally unstable.”
What caused the global
Keys says that the disaster
must have been caused by an asteroid impact of about 2.5 miles
wide, a comet impact or a volcanic eruption. He gives a
number of reasons why it was not an asteroid or comet. For
example, the last time we got hit by a cosmic object of this
size was 52 million years ago. Comets are also very rare.
Both would have created at least a 25 mile wide crater or have
produced such a tidal wave that would have rivaled Noah’s flood.
We do not know of either of these things happening so recently.
Most importantly, neither would have produced enough dust to
have darkened the sun for so long.
The most likely culprit is a
super volcano, because in order to dim the sun, tons and tons of
dust had to be thrown into the sky. A super volcano can do
this by forcing huge quantities of sulphur into the
stratosphere, which become sulphuric-acid aerosols, capable of
staying aloft and directly changing the weather for several
Here is more evidence that the
Powers That Be know all about this and how important it is:
“In 1978, a joint
Danish/Swiss/US Scientific team landed on the south-Greenland
ice cap in several large freight aircraft specially fitted with
giant skis. The planes – US military C130 Hercules –
carried massive quantities of equipment, including generators,
refrigeration units, prefabricated living quarters – and a huge
This later piece of
hardware was used to extract – in 6.5 foot lengths – some 1.25
miles of ice-core! In temperatures of between around 14
degrees Fahrenheit and minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit, engineers
and scientist from Copenhagen University worked in three shifts,
24 hours a day, drilling deeper and deeper into the ice cap at
roughly 400 feet per week.
Then, early in the second
year of the operation … the team extracted some lengths of core
covering the second quarter of the sixth century AD. … Chemical
analysis of this … ice revealed that there had been two
substantial volcanic eruptions. These same eruptions were
then detected in a second core drilled in summer 1990 in central
… The dating of ice-cores
at that depth is only roughly accurate…. For eruption (number)
one the core gave an apparent date of 527… while the (other)
core … yielded an apparent date of 530.
The volcanic explosion
must have been very substantial, as evidence … shows that
acid-rich snow was falling at the (first) site… in Greenland for
more than two years and at the (other) site for at least a year.
The final clinching
evidence, however, comes from 10,000 miles to the south – from
deep inside the Antarctic ice cap. … Scientists, again
using ice-cores, discovered evidence of a truly massive volcanic
eruption. The ice-core material revealed that acid snow
had cascaded down on the Antarctic for at least four years
running….(This) occurred sometime between 490 and 540.”
It is very possible that both
Greenland and Antarctica events were the same event.
So, then the next question is,
which volcano was the culprit?
After putting a lot of
different facts together, Keys pinpoints the culprit as “Krakatoa,
the notorious island mountain which brought death and
destruction to Java and Sumatra in the 1880s. Could a
former bigger eruption of Krakatoa have been responsible for the
catastrophe that tormented the world in the mid sixth century
Buried deep in a
little-known and normally ignored Indonesian chronicle is an
extraordinary passage … describing a huge volcanic event in the
Sunda Straits area... where Krakatoa is located…The earliest
surviving manuscript of this chronicle dates form 1869…
“There was a furious
shaking of the earth, total darkness, thunder and lightning…
Then came a furious gale together with torrential rain and a
deadly storm darkened the entire world.”
The chronicle – known as
the “Pustaka Raja Purwa (‘The book of Ancient Kings’) … claims
that the eruption was so massive that …. “After the water
subsided the mountain (which had burst into pieces) and the
surrounding land became sea and the (single) island (of
Java/Sumatra) divided into two parts. This (event) was the
origin of the separation of Sumatra and Java.” “
One problem with this text is
that it was written 1,300 years after the event. But Keys
explains how it was possible that that information was a real
event, and how it was recorded and passed down through the
“One key piece of evidence
(that this is a true record) is that volcanologists who have
read the eruption account in the 1869 manuscript of “The book Of
Ancient Kings” say that it is a very good description of the
type which almost certainly did occur in the Sunda Straits….
They believe that neither western scientists nor Javanese
scholars in the 1850s or 1860s would have had the geological
data to reconstruct the probable sequence of events and
Reconstructing the Eruption
“Typically, volcanic
eruptions are preceded by increasingly frequent and violent
tremors. Often, the larger the eruption, the longer the
seismic run-up to it will be…. Throughout the second half of 534
earthquakes would have struck the region at the rate of one or
two a day. In the weeks immediately before the eruption ,
the rate would have accelerated to a peak of 50 per hour in the
final 24 hours, mainly in the 1-3 Richter Scale range.
Although it is a
controversial proposal, it is geologically possible that Sumatra
and Java were one island prior to the 535 super-eruption –
exactly as the Javanese “Book of Ancient Kings” describes.
The 535 eruption would therefore have burst forth from a
volcanic mountain…..
(In) the first phase of
the eruption …a vast cloud of ash would have billowed forth,
followed by a column of read-hot magma…The second phase began
with a vast explosive event that shot even larger quantities of
molten magma into the air at up to 1,500 mph – reaching heights
of perhaps 30 miles… The shock wave from the explosion would
have devastated everything in its path for up to 20 miles…. The
heat (would have) forced the ash cloud heavenwards. As the
mushroom cloud increasingly blotted out the light of the sun,
and day was turning into night, ash would have rained down on
forests and fields alike up to 1,000 miles away…The water-vapour
component (in the stratosphere) would have condensed to tiny
ice-crystals. It is estimated that the entire eruption may have
generated up to 25 cubic miles of ice crystals, which, spread
out in a thin layer in the stratosphere, would have caused
sunlight diffraction and cooling over vast areas of the globe.
Super-fine volcanic ash and huge quantities of sulphur and
carbon dioxide would have had similar effects. Unlike
ordinary volcanic ash, which falls to the earth within a few
months, hydro-volcanic ash, high-altitude frozen-water-crystal
clouds and sulphuric-acid and carbon-dioxide aerosols (minute
drops) can stay in the stratosphere for years.
In the second phase part
of the mushroom cloud would … have collapsed back, spreading
horizontally…This hot, poisonous wall of destruction would have
moved outwards to perhaps as much as 40 miles…killing anything
in its path.”
In the third phase, even more
explosions etc. would have happened. Because the magma
chamber was empty, the land fell downwards and the sea rushed
This affected the sunlight,
and the weather, for years to come. This in turn affected
the food and water supply of everyone on the planet.
“Today, all that is left
of this massive collapse is a 25-mile diameter, mainly
underwater caldera
“Krakatoa … is among the
half-dozen largest calderas … in the world.”
“Procopius, referring to
the darkened sun, later wrote that “from the time this thing
happened, men were not free from war, nor pestilence, nor
anything leading to death.”
Could such a catastrophe
happen again?
In Yellowstone National Park
is the world’s largest dormant volcano. It covers 1,500
square miles. It will almost certainly one day burst forth upon
the world as Krakatoa did. “It appears to erupt
roughly once every 600,000 – 700,000 yeas – and the last
eruption was exactly 630,000 years ago…. What’s more, the last
decade has seen a substantial increase in potential pre-eruption
Keys wrote in 1999: “Since
1988, upward pressure exerted by the magma reservoir and
magma-heated water-vapour has forced hundreds of square miles of
land to rise by three feet….
Another potential
catastrophe is a currently dormant super-volcano in Long Valley,
California. Keys wrote in 1999: “Over the past 20 years,
this too appears to have become progressively less
stable….What’s more, earthquake clusters are becoming much more
Beneath Naples in Italy is
another super volcano. “Since 1969, pressure from this
magma has caused land to rise and fall twice – by almost 6.5
feet. In the early 1980s, it generated up to 300 small
earthquakes per week. It’s been known to have erupted
catyclysmically twice – once 37,000 years ago… and once 12,000
years ago….
The fourth truly major
volcanic caldera currently displaying ominous signs of
increasing restlessness is that of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea….
Five other large potentially active caldera volcanoes exist in
the Alaskan Aleutian Islands and Mexico….If any one of these
volcanoes explode, world climate would be plunged into chaos,
precisely as it was in the sixth century”.
Keys says that when
Yellowstone blows, Las Vegas and Phoenix will be covered with a
three foot layer of ash. He doesn’t say so, but I presume
this would suffocate anyone in the area who did not have an
oxygen supply for several weeks.
It is very interesting that
this scenario sounds very like the prophecy called "Night
of the Red Skies." A number of people can predict the
future. But few get the timing correct. Stalking Wolf, also
called "Grandfather", was an Apache wise man and scout who grew
up outside the influence of the white man. His many
predictions not only came true in the MANNER he predicted, but
also WHEN he predicted. He had four main predictions for the
whole of mankind. Whenever one vision happened, the chance of
the next vision happening increased. Two of these visions have
come true. According to his prophecies, the earth can now no
longer be healed by physical means alone but also requires
spiritual healing. See http://www.relfe.com/red_skies.html
Here is part of the vision of
the Night of the Red Skies: "This, then, is the third sign,
the night of the bleeding stars. It will become known throughout
the world, for the sky in all lands will be red with the blood
of the sky, day and night. It is then, with this sign of the
third probable future, that there is no longer hope. Life on the
Earth as man has lived it will come to an end, and there can be
no turning back, physically or spiritually. It is then, if
things are not changed during the second sign, that man will
surely know the destruction of the Earth is at hand. It is then
that the children of the Earth must run to the wild places and
hide. For when the sky bleeds fire, there will be no safety in
the world of man." He goes onto say that there will be one
year for the Children of the Earth to find safety away from the
worlds of men, because after that:
"There will be a great
famine throughout the world, like man cannot imagine. Waters
will run vile, the poisons of man's sins running strong in the
waters of the soils, lakes, and rivers. Crops will fail, the
animals of man will die, and disease will kill the masses. The
grandchildren will feed upon the remains of the dead, and all
about will be the cries of pain and anguish. Roving bands of men
will hunt and kill other men for food, and water will always be
scarce, getting scarcer with each passing year. The land, the
water, the sky will all be poisoned, and man will live in the
wrath of the Creator. Man will hide at first in the cities, but
there he will die. A few will run to the wilderness, but the
wilderness will destroy them, for they had long ago been given a
choice. Man will be destroyed, his cities in ruin, and it is
then that the grandchildren will pay for the sins of their
grandfathers and grandmothers."
Stalking Wolf did say that
Night of the Red Skies did not have to happen if enough people
change their ways but that is not happening at the moment. Note
that in this vision, the water is poisoned. Could the next super
volcano affect out water supply by putting down toxic metals and
This catastrophe is different
from many of the cataclysmic events that have been proposed,
such as a pole shift. So long as you don't live within a very
large radius of the volcano itself, you will not be killed
immediately. However, a BBC documentary said that one super
volcano killed animals by covering them with ash 1,600 km (1,000
miles) away!. So it is clear that if Yellowstone blows a big
one, it will wipe out about half of the US.


Whenever I spoke with people
about pole shifts, some said they weren't concerned because they
figured that if it happened they would just die quickly and that
would solve their problems. This disaster is not like that one.
So long as you live a long way away, have a supply of water from
a well, filters for your water, stored food for ten years (which
is easier to do than you may think) and a way to protect
yourself, you can survive.
To store food, put dry, whole
food with oxygen absorbers and dessicants in a mylar bag. Seal
it and put it in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid.
To start you off on storing food, just get
a huge bag of rice from Sams for a few dollars. You can store
food easily by buying very large bags of rice, beans, corn etc.
Oats are especially good as they are easy to digest, easy to
roll into rolled oats, and you can eat them raw - add raisins to
make muesli. Also store rice and lentils for protein. And herbs
for taste. And goji berries and spirulina for nutition. Dry food
can last ten years or more that way. Also store some flavourings
like dried herbs, tomato and onion. There is lots of information
on the net on this. Search on preparedness. The best websites
for information on this are
Walton Feed and
Stan Deyo.
It would be a good idea to get
a Hulda Clark
zapper to kill any viruses and bacteria from any disease
outbreaks. Try ebay.com.
Most importantly of all, pray
to the Creator to guide you to a safe place at all times. And be
prepared to move even if it means changing countries.
As for the timing of
Yellowstone, while most people seem to think we know everything
about these volcanoes, the same BBC Documentary mentioned above
had this to say:
Steve Sparks:
It is actually very difficult to say for sure what is happening
underneath a volcano like Yellowstone. It could be that the next
super eruption is another hundred thousand years from now or it
could be tomorrow.
Don't count on anyone else to
help you out. Here's a story to illustrate my point. My wife
Stephanie and I wanted to see some land in Arizona from the air,
so we hired a pilot to fly us over it. He seemed like a very
nice, intelligent, successful man. During conversation, the
subject of preparing for catastrophes came up. He said something
to the effect that he was already prepared for that. We assumed
that meant he had already stored food. But on further
questioning him, he said something to the effect that, "There
are a lot of Mormons around here. They store food for a year. I
have a gun so I can go and take it off them."!!!! We were
astounded. The picture of this man taking food from starving
children left us totally shocked and virtually speechless.
300,000,000 Americans. How many have this mindset? This was in
prosperous times. How many will get that mindset if faced by
If you think the government is
going to help you, think gain. Think of Hurricane Katrina. It
took the government FIVE DAYS to bring in water to the main
holding areas of people. People die after three days without
water. And that was when they didn't have millions of other
people needing help. Remember FEMA is a resource, NOT a
responder. The states are supposed to respond to disasters. Do
the states store food? Think again!
The government does have a lot
of DUMBS - Deep Underground Military Bases. Presumably they have
stored food. But it's doubtful that you will get a free lunch
from them. If they let you in and feed you after the catastrophe
robs the world of world food supplies, they will probably want
your soul and to at least take an implant and vaccine before
they give you an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat). See
http://www.rense.com/ufo/boringmachine.htm and
There are reports that world
food reserves are dangerously low. See for example
http://www.kurtsaxon.com/foods004.htm. Is this all part of a
deliberate plan?
Here's a photo from Dr Richard
Sauder Ph.D. of a 1982 (25 year old technology) U.S. Air Force
Tunnel Boring Machine: (Dr Sauder's website is
www.sauderzone.com but it seems to be down).


The following graph was
created from data obtained from United States Geological Survey
web site.

If the Creator decides to be
kind to us, this catastrophe may not happen for decades or a lot
longer. And hopefully in that time we can move the
Satanists out of the government. And put in groups of
independents who really CARE for people. Unlike back in 535 AD,
we do have the ability to produce large quantities of food. And
we do have the ability to desalinate and filter sea water. There
could be solutions if the consciousness of the people of the
world rises enough and enough of the evil people are removed
from power.
See "The
Coming Ice Age - In Our Lifetime?"
See also
More Information on Super
Volcanoes and Preparedness (Note: None of these websites know
about the event in 535 AD as of 9/28/06).
"Catastrophe" by David Keys
BBC Documentary: 70,000 years ago World Population was Reduced
to 5,000-10,000 people from a Super Volcano!
The Truth About Yellowstone: BBC
Volcanic Cloud kills Thousands in Europe 200 years ago
Deyo's website www.standeyo.com
Earth Changes Headlines from Stan Deyo
Feed www.waltonfeed.com
Frugal Squirrels www.frugalsquirrels.com/
Volcanoes www.solcomhouse.com/yellowstone.htm
Volcano Yellowstone
Super Volcanoes
Super Volcaones will Challenge Civilization
Vesuvius & Naples
How Will a Super Volcano Affect the UK?
Activity at
Yellowstone is Increasing (March 2007)
Yellowstone. Includes prophetic dreams.
Yellowstone. More prophetic dreams.
Another Yellowstone Prophetic Dream
Volcanic Activity Has Increased by 500% since 1975
Want to Move to Another Country? Maybe it's time to
subscribe to International Living Magazine
Volcanic Ash is VERY HEAVY. A one-inch layer of ash weighs
ten pounds per square foot.
Ash is DANGEROUS. It is hard and corrosive (not fluffy like
wood ash).
Copyright ©:
Relfe - 2006
Permission is granted to copy and distribute this article or
parts of this article,
so long as you metnion and link to either www.metatech.org or
Do you know why it is throughout the world, from land to
land, and from the ancient civilizations until now that we all
have referred to our planet as Mother Earth? Because the planet
is our mother, and we are her children. She helped give us our
lives just as Mother is too Nature. Now, I know that most all of
us alive today, know what can happen if we cross our mothers.